【副食品傢私】Cuisinart SmartStick Hand Blender CSB-77 之手動攪拌器 ,入手!
多人推薦...自美國漂洋過海來的 Cuisinart 待使用後再跟各位分享心得囉~!
Tips and hints
1. liquid should come within an inch of where the shaft attaches to the motor housing
2.When using with a nonstick cooking surface ,be careful not to scratch the coating with the hand blender
使用不沾鍋烹調時, 小心不要刮傷不沾鍋表層塗料
3.Do not immerse motor body housing , in water or any other liquid
4.Cut most solid food into 1/2`` cobes for easy blender
5.Pour liquid ingredients into the mixing container first,
6.To avoid splashing , do not turn the hand blender on until the blade is beneath surface of the mixture ,and do not pull the hand blender out of the mixture while blender is running
7.Do not let hand blender stand in a hot pot on stove while not in use
8 .Do not put fruit pits, bones, or other hard material into the blending
Mixture , as these are liable to damage the blades
9 .Do not fill mixing containers too full. the level of mixture will rise when blending , and can overflow
不要在容器中裝太滿的混合食材, 攪打食物時會讓食材高度上升,有可能會溢出
10 .Adding liquids that are warm, not cold , facilitates blending solids with liquids
加入溫的液體, 不是冰的,可以幫助固體和液體食材均勻混合
11.For recipes calling for ice , use crushed ice (not whole cubes) for best results
食譜中有要求放入冰塊時, 最好使用碎冰 (不要用整塊的冰) 會最佳
12 Using a gentle up-and-down motion is the best way to blend and incorporate ingredients uniformly
13.To avoid spatter , turn the blender off and let the blade stop completely before lifting the unit out of the mixture you are processing
如何避免食物飛濺, 關閉攪拌器且等刀片完全停止再從食材中拿起來
14.To whip air into a mixture, always hold the blade just under the surface
要將空氣混入食材 , 請將刀片保持在食材的表面轉動